We are committed to sustainable development (meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) as a guiding principle within our work.
Concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of this commitment. Our aim is to reduce the impact on the environment from our operations.
- We work remotely allowing flexibility and to better accommodate people who have historically been left out of the traditional workforce.
- We have been accredited as a Living Wage Employer.
- We work together with our Member Bodies to systematically remove barriers, enhance diversity and inclusion, establishing accessible pathways into the environment profession for everyone. As such, we are partners of the Diverse Sustainability Initiative.
- We have committed to fulfilling our share of the responsibility to keep the global temperature rise below 2° celsius based on science-based calculations and are a signatory to Pledge to Net Zero.
- We promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and to our environmental professional partners.
- We minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods.
- We comply with all relevant environmental legislation/regulation.
- We promote and encourage involvement in local environmental initiatives and schemes.
- We have undertaken Carbon Literacy Training through The Carbon Literacy Project.
Carbon target
Target 2035: aligned to 1.5 deg C warming: 67.2% emissions reduction for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
Carbon footprint
Time period – 2023
Scope 1 + 2 – 100.92 KG C02e
Scope 3 – 930.52 KG C02e
Carbon Literate