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SocEnv evidence featured in EFRA soil health inquiry recommendations

The EFRA soil health inquiry report has been published, making reference to SocEnv inquiry evidence, including our key asks. 


Today (5 December 2023), on World Soil Day, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA) has published the report to its inquiry into soil health. The report makes reference to SocEnv inquiry evidence, including our key asks. 

SocEnv’s Soils and Stones project, which originated in 2019, brings together experts from across sectors. The project seeks to expand the adoption of policies and good practice which recognise the value of soils and stones.

The project’s first key outcome was our Soils and Stones report (2021) which has been hugely well-received by decision-makers . This was reflected in the EFRA Committee inviting us to give oral evidence to the Soil Health Inquiry in March this year.

Our oral and written evidence to the inquiry has been featured in the report published today by the EFRA Committee. The report urges us to take soil as seriously as air and water to protect food supply and environment.

Many of our headline asks are featured in the EFRA report, including calling for:

  • soil health to be put on the same footing as water and air quality within government policy,
  • statutory targets on soil health, alongside the existing water and air quality targets, by 2028,
  • the introduction, by 2035, of a regulatory framework to focus on preventing soil degradation and contamination across various sectors, including construction and planning, as well as agriculture,
  • more comprehensive, consistent and well-signposted training and guidance are needed to improve land management practices and soil health in several sectors.

You can access the full EFRA Committee news release and report, plus our evidence to the inquiry, via the links below.

EFRA news release EFRA Inquiry report SocEnv oral evidence to inquiry SocEnv written evidence to inquiry