SocEnv have partnered up with our Licensed Members to deliver guidance webinars – helping their members to pursue environmental professional registration.
This Institute of Agricultural Management (IAgrM) Spotlight Webinar was recorded in September 2021 and can be watched back below.
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Watch Back: Your Journey to CEnv via IAgrM
This webinar is designed to provide you with the information and guidance you need to make your Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) application via the Institute of Agricultural Management (IAgrM) - the professional institution for agricultural professionals.
We are joined by CEnv member of IAgrM, Charles Cowap - Visiting Professor in Rural Land Management at Harper Adams University. Charles talks about his journey to CEnv registration as environmental factors started to become a main focus of his work in his early career and to the present day as he wanted to demonstrate this experience with CEnv registration.
Watch this recording to find out more and gain insight from a current Chartered Environmentalist on their route to achieving CEnv registration and how it has helped their career to date.
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