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EPF response to Environmental Outcomes Reporting consultation

Environmental Outcomes Reporting

The EPF are not averse to an outcomes approach to environmental assessment in principle, provided that it does indeed focus on delivering better outcomes for the environment. We applaud the Government’s aim to improve the clarity and rigour of the environmental assessment process. We shall require more information on how this will be achieved and stand ready, as experts, to shape this.

From the EPF response


In June 2023, SocEnv supported the Environmental Policy Forum (EPF) response to the DLUHC consultation into: Environmental Outcomes Report: a new approach to environmental assessment.

Eight Institutions in total signed up in support of the response, representing professionals working across the profession (SocEnv) and in sectors such as ecology, environmental health, resource management, forestry, fisheries and environmental sciences.

The EPF have four key concerns our key concerns relating to how a new approach can be delivered in practice:

  • Missing details
  • Absence of research and evidence to support claims
  • Consultation with the experts
  • Assurance of guidance and resource to support effective delivery.

View our full response below.

View Response