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Release of new Nature Positive Business Pledge

IEMA in association with a number of partners have released a new pledge for business on nature-positive actions.

[Original source: IEMA]

Over half of global GDP depends upon nature and the Nature Positive Business Pledge aims to help business to restore nature and reduce business risk.

The Pledge is for businesses of all sizes and sectors. It provides core principles including the need to use the mitigation hierarchy, creating additionality, generating long-term benefits, and taking a precautionary approach.

The Pledge framework supports the creation of a plan that includes undertaking a materiality assessment, identifying a baseline, setting SMART targets, and going on to assess and iteratively build on progress.



It is very timely that the Nature Positive Business Pledge is being released during the UN Biodiversity Conference, COP 15, where there’s been a larger business presence which suggests a change of focus on who might be delivering reductions to impacts on nature.

Lesley Wilson
Policy and Engagement Lead
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