On the 21 June 2022, the Society for the Environment (SocEnv) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM). A summary of the voting and meeting decisions can be viewed below.
Registration Authority (RA)
David LLoyd-Roach HonFSE (Institution of Chemical Engineers) was reappointed as Chair of the Registration Authority for a one-year term.
The following were voted in as members of the Registration Authority for a three-year term:
Graham Higginson REnvP (Institution of Agricultural Engineers)
Kevin Hogwood CEnv (Institution of Engineering Designers)
Mandhy Senewiratne CEnv (Institute of Water)
Honorary Fellowship Panel
The following were voted in as members of the Honorary Fellowship Panel for a three-year term:
Ian Barker HonFSE CEnv (Institute of Water)
Sarah Beacock (Nuclear Institute)
Ross Weddle CEnv (Institute of Chartered Foresters)
Many thanks to all the candidates from the two Committees and to those standing down from a Committee this year, SocEnv would like to extend a huge thank you for all your efforts during your term.
The following were voted in as members of the Board for a three-year term:
Natalie Akroyd CEnv (Institute of Water)
Ian Barker HonFSE CEnv (Institute of Water)
Simon Benfield CEnv (Institution of Engineering Designers)
Francesca Berriman (Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists)
Colin Church CEnv (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining)
Graham Higginson REnvP (Institution o Agricultural Engineers)
Sandra Norval CEnv, Vice Chair – Honorary Treasurer (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment)
Kirsten Roettcher CEnv (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment)
Ross Weddle CEnv (Institute of Chartered Foresters)
The Society would like to extend their utmost gratitude to Alan Fitzpatrick CEnv and David Linsley-Hood for their hard work and dedication during their-year term on the Board.
Accounts and Auditors
The Annual Report and Accounts 2021 were accepted, and it was noted that the organisation is in a strong financial position.
Luckmans LDP were reappointed as the Society’s Auditors for another year.