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SocEnv response to planning reform working paper - brownfield passport: making the most of urban land

In December 2024, we submitted a response to the Planning reform working paper – Brownfield passport: making the most of urban land. This response was shaped by volunteers to our Chartered Environmentalist led Soils and Stones project.

brownfield site

It is clear that there needs to be a coherent, joined-up policy at the national and local level that values soils and stones... Environmental protection involves looking after the ecosystem services that the environment provides, in particular soil, which include carbon sequestration, supporting diverse habitats, food security and flood management. This is dependent on all related policies being applied in a coherent manner and double regulation is avoided.

From the SocEnv response

Our response is shaped by the three overarching aims of the SocEnv Soils & Stones project:

(Aim 1) advocate policies that value soils and stones.
(Aim 2) shape and share good practice for consistent approach.
(Aim 3) forge connections that would facilitate collaborative outcomes.

Read our full response below.

View full SocEnv response

Image used: credit – Philip Openshaw from Getty Images via