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Recap | COP27 Adaptation & Agriculture Day | Developments & Resources

Adaptation & Agriculture Day

The fourth thematic day of COP27 focused on "Adaptation & Agriculture". Developments and discussions centred around food systems, soil health, land use and more.

What happened on Adaptation & Agriculture Day?

To mark the theme, we contributed to an Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) article on soil health. From the article: “SocEnv is ideally placed to bring together a wide range of professionals from different environmental disciplines to address the critical global challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and global food security. Meeting these challenges relies on a fourth critical element – people. In order to influence policy, public opinion and industry, SocEnv is spearheading a framework for sustainable economic growth by recognising the value of soils and stones.”  Find out more about our ongoing Soils and Stones work as well as the activity of the IES and British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) here.

The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) published new guidance on adaptation to our changing climate – ideal reading for anyone in governance or climate practitioner roles. View the guidance here.

A number of initiatives were launched on Adaptation and Agriculture Day: including I-CAN – Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition, Decent Life Initiative for a Climate Resilient Africa and Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST).

The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate also made a number of announcements, including increased investment. Read more here.


Further reading on Adaptation & Agriculture:

Climate Champions interview: transforming food systems SocEnv Soils and Stones report UK Soils Hub Soils in Planning and Construction report CEnv blog: importance of soils UN: limits of adaptation


UN Interview with Head of the Adaptation Fund UN interview with Exec Director, Green Climate Fund UN video: Solutions for a Sustainable Agriculture Sector
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