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CIOB Blog | The environment is your responsibility

As our Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) registration turns 20 this year, CIOB investigate the environmental challenges and opportunities for CIOB members in this bblog.

A snippet of the blog can be found below:

The Society for the Environment was created 20 years ago to champion competence in environmental practices across sectors. The first objective was to create a chartered designation to professionalise this work – and so, Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) was born. One of the key reasons – a platform to spearhead change. 

20 years on and change is needed more than ever with climate, biodiversity and environment emergencies in full swing.

In 2006 we wanted to give any members who are working to incorporate sustainable practices into the built environment the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and take a lead. CEnv is due recognition for the contribution members were, and are, making to a more sustainable future.

Amanda Williams CEnv
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