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CIEEM CEnv Blog | Forest restoration saving an island’s population, the St Helena Cloud Forest Project: Conserving a globally important ecosystem

In this CIEEM blog, Dr Katie Medcalf CEnv MCIEEM looks at the St Helena Cloud Forest Project. The cloud forests are one of the most unique habitats left in St Helena, containing 1/6 of the UK’s total endemic biodiversity species. Find out more about this multi-restoration project.

A snippet of her blog can be found below.

St Helena is a UK Overseas Territory that rises out of the South Atlantic, 2,000km off the coast of West Africa. Its position in the world has given it a very unique biodiversity. But it suffers from many of the same threats that occur on the mainland UK, including climate change and invasive species that are both having a significant impact on the island’s biodiversity. I was lucky enough to work with St Helena Government on St Helena in 2017 on a project to map Saint Helena’s biodiversity, soil and natural environment.

Dr Katie Medcalf CEnv MCIEEM
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Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)

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