Barry has thirty-four years of experience in the architectural profession and has been a Chartered Architectural Technologist for twenty-two years. He has a broad range of experience, evenly split between new build and refurbishment projects, many of which have been work to listed or historic buildings. Whilst working in a broad range of sectors, including education, industrial, commercial, healthcare, residential and community/ ecclesiastical buildings, Barry has spent a lot of time working on community projects, which he finds to be very rewarding work as each project is very different and brings its own design and technical challenges, along with the satisfaction that the completed project is making a positive difference to people’s lives.
Whilst having a long-standing interest in sustainable design Barry started to take this more seriously when he was a member of an award-winning design team for a RIBA Sustainable School competition in 2001. Since then, whenever possible Barry has applied the principals of sustainable design to the projects he has worked on; discussing the possibilities with clients and design teams, and in the last few years he has worked on a number of buildings designed and detailed to Passivhaus standards.
When CIAT first announced their collaboration with the Society for the Environment, enabling members to become Chartered Environmentalists, it seemed a natural step for Barry to take and he is very proud to be amongst the first Architectural Technologists to gain the CEnv qualification in 2008.
Profile correct as of September 2022
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Barry is registered as a CEnv via membership of:
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)