As soil scientists we know that of earth’s enormous volume, life depends on a very thin living skin, the soil. But across one third of our land soil is degraded and we need a paradigm shift in how the critical importance of soils is understood. We should be talking about endangered and, unfortunately, extinct soils, just as we use these terms in relation to species. We should be talking about the inescapable link between human, societal and planetary health and the health of our soils, the Soil Life Nexus – there can be no life without soil, and no soil without life.
Dr Bruce Lascelles CEnv
President, British Society of Soil Science
Dr Bruce Lascelles CEnv explores maximising opportunities to influence policymakers on the value of soils.
You can read the full blog via the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) website.
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Bruce is a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) via CIEEM, a Licensed Member of the Society for the Environment
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